Gallery: Threaded-in

Home Threaded-in Doubleface Twill Brocade Twist-Patterned Odds & Ends

Unless other otherwise noted, all patterns on this website are my own designs. You may copy and use the patterns for personal purposes as long as due credit is given.

Click on an image for a link to the GTT pattern.

This is a variation on my Blue Eternity pattern, using reddish-brown and white acrylic. This is one of my favourite threaded-in patterns.

I tried to use fire-like shading ranging from bright yellow to dark red in this belt, and the name Dragon's Breath just sprang to mind.

This a variation on the Eternity pattern above which results in a diagonal Greek key pattern.

November 2002
I used earth tones with a fairly low contrast for this belt; the colours are actually a little bit brighter than is apparent on this scan.
These 'Jerusalem Crosses' were inspired by Kurt Laitenberger's bands. I played around with quite a number of variations; there are more patterns in this general shape that I'd like to try out sometime. The band on the left is an accidental mix of 20/2 and 30/2 silk with a 7F7B turning sequence. The band on the right is #8 acrylic crochet yarn with a somewhat unusual turning sequence: 3F1B5F5B1F3B - essentially a 7F7B with a long float thrown in.

Another 'Jerusalem Cross', this time using hexagonal cards and a straightforward 6F6B sequence.

An Anglo-Saxon belt; more details here.

Plate 177 in Collingwood shows a German or Sicilian orphrey dating to possibly the 12th century. This orphrey has a very interesting threaded-in border pattern, part of which I recreated here (using Fig 99 in Collingwood) in linen thread.

Another variation on the Anglo-Saxon style, using the same wool as the belt above.
Two belts woven with Mistress Thóra Sharptooth's
Birka Strapwork method.

I aimed at a shaded, interwoven effect with this belt. The pattern also works quite well in two colours, by replacing the grey with white.

December 2003
This is a section of a belt using a quite low-contrast leaf pattern, in 20/2 and 30/2 silk. That I happened to weave this in December has absolutely nothing to do with the colours! :)

Occasionally maintained by Eckhard Gartz.
Last modified 5/5/2004.